Episode 10: A Quick Check In

In this episode, we talk about the Vice Presidential debates, do a quick check in and take a look back at the guests we have had on our show so far!

We discuss:

- Vice Presidential Debate 

- Men and Women In Politics 

- Discussion Of Previous Guests  

- Non-Profit Program AXIS  

...and more! 

Here are some highlights: 

First Vice Presidential Debate With A Woman Of Color

“In full disclosure, I did not watch it entirely, because my blood pressure could not take sitting through the lies and the disrespect being spewed away by our vice president,” Lisa said. “It just gets me to a place where I have to find some self­ preservation, peace, and excuse myself. But what I did see made me so proud. It's so exciting for her and for me. Everything that she's standing for and just the way she handled him, was just perfect.”

People’s Reactions To Pence Versus Harris

“That's what's interesting to me coming out of watching that debate,” Collette said. “Watching every minute of people's reactions to her and how she handled herself, which as we know is a button pusher for me. Because why are we so in the minutia of how women present themselves and how they behave? They're not so deep into his expressions, and whether or not his actions portrayed certain ethnic stereotypes, etcetera, but people are going there with her.”

How Kamala Harris Handled Herself During The Debate

“I think as I processed it, I'm all over the place. I think what I thought, I made it about me,” Bowers Zinn said. “And that I walked away from it thinking, I know that she went wherever she was going after that and collapsed on the bed because that was a black woman moment of having to bottle up what was likely a whole plethora of emotions. And keep it tight because that's the story of my life. Especially in professional settings, because as I have experienced, the moment that you don't have it all together and let some of that emotion, feeling or intellectual prowess slip in ways that people aren't ready to receive it, then you automatically become labeled, the angry black woman.”

The Difference Between Women And Men In Politics

“That's why it infuriates me when people are picking apart her body language and her facial expressions, 'cause she couldn't win so she was sitting there being respectful and not interrupting,” Collette said. “But had she interrupted and gone off, maybe even said some of those things that we would imagine were in her head, then she's labeled the angry black woman or out of control. You can't win. And that's what I was saying before about the level of scrutiny that women and then women of color get, especially on the political scene.”

American People Love Drama

“Drama, drama, drama. We American people love drama,” Colette said. “And while we want to pretend to be deeply offended when drama occurs like that first debate, everyone keeps tuning in, rubbing their hands together, ready to see. And the problem is, this is our lives. It's not funny.”

Lisa Johnson’s Favorite Guest on eRaced so Far

“I gotta say that first full episode with Janine Jones, I think it created such a high bar,” Johnson said. “It validated in me why we're doing this. It was just easy, informative and fun. I think part of it is also that it was the first one, and I mean, we're new to this. I wasn't 100% sure like this was gonna be what I thought it could be. That solidified that it could be that and more.”

Collette Bowers Zinn’s Favorite Guest so Far

“I love any time that the prof is in the building. I love Steven Cleveland,” Bowers Zinn said. “I love engaging in conversation with him. We do it both in and out of the studio, and I just love his spirit, his mind and what he brings to the conversation. So any conversation that he's a part of, I'm down for.”

Collette Bowers Zinn’s Non-Profit AXIS

“Go to privateschoolaxis.org, and click on the link to get on our list,” Collette said. “We are not engaging with the current admission cycle. We will start placing kids in schools for the Fall of 2022. Starting in January, a few short months away, which is kind of scary, we will start the process of talking to and selecting our first cohort of families that we will take through that process to place for Fall of 2022.”

Lisa Johnson Having Her LongTime Friend On The Show

“I think Allyship [was another favorite episode], because my friend was on that one,” Lisa said. “We have such a history and I wanted it to be a good experience for her. I knew asking her to come on and share, I'm asking her to be vulnerable and to share stuff that obviously she was willing to share. But I just wanted to make sure it was a good experience and it was 'cause Shelly is amazing. She really is amazing. But one of the reasons why I wanted Ansley to come on is, I think she does represent a lot of other families in independent schools. She's in an independent school in another state, and the situation and the experience is very much the same. So she's surrounded with the same culture and obstacles, yet she is an example of a white mom who is trying to better educate herself. I really just wanted to give people that lens.”

Collette responded, “That episode for me represents the beauty of listeners reaching out and saying, ‘Here's what we wanna learn about,’ because that's how that episode came to fruition.” 

Thank You To All The Listeners

“We just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to our listeners,” Collette said. “You have been loyal, You have offered great feedback and awesome suggestions. We just wanted to take this moment to have a quick episode to check in, take the e­Raced temperature and encourage you to keep coming back.”

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Intro music by https://instagram.com/mikedupreemusic


Episode 11: Get on Board: The Importance of Independent School Boards


Episode 9: Allyship featuring Shelly Tochluk and Ansley Newsom Kreitler