Episode 24: Was Private School Worth it? Recent Alumni Look Back

Episode 24: Was Private School Worth it? Now in College, Recent Alumni Look Back

How do our students of color feel about their experiences in predominantly white schools? We brought in two recent alums to answer this big question, and you'll hear lots of answers. Both Jamie and Jay say they'd choose their high school again, although the experience had its challenges. Hear their insights about how navigating a school where you are one of a few can be hard, even distressing at times. Both students also say a lot of valuable life learning takes place outside of the classroom, too. Now sophomores in college, our guests advise keeping an open dialogue with parents throughout high school is helpful. Stuff happens and it helps to have guidance in advocating for yourself. And, yes, some thoughts about Black@. Spoiler: Yes, the posts seemed accurate.


Learn how Private School Village (PSV) builds community by providing programs, sharing resources, and organizing events for Black families in private schools. In partnership with schools and parents, PSV centers this work around increasing racial socialization, racial literacy, representation, and related research.

The Private School Axis provides services and community for families of color on their independent school journey, from admissions through graduation.

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Intro music by https://instagram.com/mikedupreemusic


Episode 25: Black Parents, White Head of School, Every Day Lessons - with Parents of Alumni from Episode 24 & Dr. Laura Konigsberg


Episode 23: Are Private Schools Truly Indefensible? With Author Caitlin Flanagan